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Volunteer Accommodation


We will be giving accommodation to as many volunteers as possible. As there are limited spaces available, accommodation allocated as follows. Once we have our complete list of volunteers we will order them based on this list and move down the list until we have no more accommodation. We will be able to finalize accommodation when all qualifying teams have been named, so we know who will be nonplaying and who will be playing volunteers.


If you have any questions about this you can contact Louis Lermytte, our Hospitality Coordinator. 



  1. Pitch managers

  2. Nonplaying volunteers from other continents

  3. Nonplaying head referees*

  4. Nonplaying snitches*

  5. Nonplaying assistant and snitch referees*

  6. Nonplaying certified first-aiders*

  7. All other nonplaying volunteers, prioritized by distance travelled

*: Non-Belgians will be prioritised.

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