European Committee Policies
Note: These documents are currently being reworked.
Policies here will concern international play within Europe. Policies on this page have been voted on by the European Committee, which is an IQA subcommittee. The exception is the Terms of Responsibility for the European Committee itself which has been ratified by the IQA.
If you have questions about any of these policies, please contact your representative on the European Committee!
European Committee Terms of Responsibility: This outlines the responsibilities of the European Committee and has been ratified by the IQA.
European Snitch Program Terms of Responsibility: This outlines the responsibilities and membership of the ESP Subcommittee.
Transfer Policies: These policies outline how transfers may happen between and within NGB's and provide transfer policies for people in nations where transfer policies do not exist.
Secondary Player Policy: This policy outlines when and under which circumstances players may be part of a second team as a secondary player. Please note: NGBs may choose to allow or disallow secondary team membership.
Injury in International Competition: This policy outlines how injuries will be handled at competitions endorsed by the European Committee.
Standardised European Score Notation Explanation: This document gives explanations about the new score notation system. The European NGBs have already ratified the adoption of this system, the policy itself is pending ratification at the next meeting.